When it comes to training there is so much you can do, from training splits to isolation exercises, compound movements and plyometrics to name but a few! One thing is for sure, and that’s the undeniable benefits of full body exercises! Full body exercises allow you to burn some serious calories whilst building muscle too. You can enjoy resistance based movements as well as calisthenic (body weight) exercises, all of which can be tailored towards your individual needs. Some full body movements are more effective than others; they each require the use of multiple-joint exercises that activate several different muscles at once – thus requiring a great deal of energy to perform.

The rules

If you want to perform full body sessions, train every 2-3 days to allow ample recovery time. Make sure you have a protein shake ready to consume after! Try the below 5 exercises and rep ranges for a full body BLAST!

1. The Squat

  • Sets: 3
  • Reps: 12
  • Rest: 1 min

Of course the squat had to be number one on our list! The squat is probably the juggernaut of all full body exercises thanks to the range of muscles it engages. The squat directly works your hips (including the adductors & abductors), hamstrings and glutes. It also indirectly works your core and even your upper body if performed with a decent weight load.. With the squat you can perform it either body weight or add resistance in the form of a loaded barbell, dumbbells or any other weight of your choice!

2. Weighted Lunges

  • Sets: 3
  • Reps: 16 (8 per leg)
  • Rest: 1 min

The lunge is one of the most demanding moves for your body but the reward it can deliver is well worth it! Holding a pair of dumbbells or using a loaded barbell on your shoulders to add some resistance, lunge forward one leg at a time ensuring the back leg bends first to a 90degree angle. The lunge works your quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings whilst using weights will help to strengthen your core and upper body. You can execute the lunge either moving forward or statically. If you can try to cover some ground with your lunges, pick a target and lung towards it!

3. The deadlift

  • Sets: 3
  • Reps: 12
  • Rest: 2 mins

The deadlift puts equal force onto your upper body and lower body forcing pretty much every muscle in your body to work hard! A weight belt to support your posture is a good idea for this full body burner. To perform a deadlift you need to ensure your form is spot on! You need to pick up a loaded barbell off the ground in a controlled motion to your thighs by using your entire body whilst keeping a neutral spine (straight back.) The completion of the lift will have you standing up, locked out with your arms straight and the weight hanging.

4. The single arm kettle bell snatch

  • Sets: 3
  • Reps: 16 (8 per arm)
  • Rest: 1 min

This movement is absolutely awesome for developing raw, explosive power! It will also help to significantly enhance core stability, strengthen your hips, lower back, and shoulder joints making it a great full body exercise. Hold a kettle bell with an overhand grip on the left part of the handle. Position the bell in front of your thighs with the feet shoulder-width apart. Swing the kettle bell in between your legs, bending knees slightly. At the bottom of the swing, your chest will be facing down toward the ground. Extend your hips to swing the kettle bell forward and up. As the bell passes head level, push your hand through the handle to rotate the kettle bell around your wrist (it should be a smooth transition onto the outside of your forearm).

5. Burpees

  • Sets: 3
  • Reps: 10
  • Rest: 1 min

The burpee is a grueling and demanding body weight exercise. It’s tough but it really does work you from head to toe, which is why it needs to be part of your full body routine! Begin in an upright position. Squat down and place your hands on the ground, kick your feet back behind you and then do a push-up. Explosively bring your feet back underneath you, and spring up out of your crouch with a powerful leap extending your arms over your head. If you’re feeling particularly strong, put a dumbbell in each hand. There is a pretty huge benefit to completing full body sessions and that is that they enable you to reduce your gym visit frequency down to about two to three sessions per week.

This means more time for you to relax!

You will also be able to build muscle with only 3-4 hours of gym time during a week – what’s not to love about that!

Full body sessions are all about quality over quantity.