Many people often come back to their real senses whenever they feel their weight has greatly overgrown. And then, they begin their decisions and lay down impossible goals like ‘I need to drop 50 pounds’, or ‘I need to run a half-marathon’ or ‘I need my high school body back’. These are common goals that make no meaning unless a random change linked to the goal laid is stuck to. Or maybe, it is a shotgun change because the goal in particular is either scattered or unfocused. You may hit the goal, yes, but what is the meaning of that?

Let’s perceive it this way. You have well lost 50 pounds, a very good accomplishment – few people manage to hit their goals. But why not chose a loss of 54 pounds? Or 48 Pound? What of the half-marathon? Many people hardly reach 13 miles of marathon running. Do you become fit by accomplishing? And by what standards? Most of these determination lack a true definition. Kristen Buter, our client, found out this by hard way. Apparently, great intentions don’t mean you will achieve great results.

Achieving the Weight Loss Goals

In the previous years when Kristen wanted to get back to her former old after a lot of family engagements and attaining her rest final, it felt tempting but empowering and promising. But she had lacked a defined plan of what ‘fitness’ is. She had begun doing what she formerly did but was terribly failing to align to her expected results. After this attempt, she had sought for a trainer’s help. She had found our Shredded Academy trainer (Esteban Alexander) on online writing and Twitter account platform, even though he lived in Dallas. From Dallas to Ontario, where she was a native, it was about a thousand miles. Esteban had asked her what she wanted to accomplish from her first encounter with him.

It was not an easy but she was forced to think about it. Kristen indeed admitted that she was not for the thought of losing an enormous amount of weight and neither was she for half-marathon running. After a long time of thinking about what she thought about, she hardly had any idea what ‘fitness’ was to her. However, she discovered that it was not so much about weight but about how she would feel and look. To her, it had finally meant focus on losing the baby weight and not on a goal of a random number or accomplishing athletic mileage thought of. Her body rather had to totally transform.

Eating More, Losing More (Kristen Buter – 101 Weight Loss)

Our trainers at Shredded Academy had taken Kristen on an exercise and eating plan where she ate more and relatively lost more. It had taken Kristen by greatest surprise that she ate more and managed to be leaner. The reason behind her testimony was that when she had compared what she used to eat to what she was supposed to eat, she had derived a great difference. She eats more than she used to eat before and she is admiringly leaner, tighter and smaller than she has ever been.

Though it may not be known or forgotten by people but one ought to work out and eat equally to see results. And not only that, it has to be the right diet, balancing carbs, proteins and fats and leaving aside that bag of chips that looks attractive. Kristen testifies that with this fact ones mindset is changed.

She connotes that she has been eating healthily for the last 10 years. However she never ate on the basis of training because she never thought about food and how it would impact to her workout later. She had a perfect idea of why she ate her food (to enjoy) and for what reason (to maintain fitness).

Kristen’s best schedule for her workout is 4 times per week with each time going for about 45-60 minutes. That was what worked better with her schedule. But in case of any change in her schedule, she had shifted to a 30 minute session. What works for her is not the length of the workout but how flexible she is.

The foundational principle of the Shredded Academy coaching program is to build a program that is flexible to meet clients from where they are and not setting them on a bar for an impossible mission. Consistency is fundamental to the body transformation success making long workouts or more often attending gym baseless. Consistency presents persistence to endure and to workout to a desired feature.

Kristen had split her workouts into a half metabolic training and half resistance. Though new to her, it had helped crystallize her fitness that saw her experiencing positive results within two weeks. She had based her schedule on a working plan that helped to align herself to her hopes of being better. It worked.

Her weight was almost the same, but not as a failure because she saw her body transforming to a new better one. In her first two weeks, she had seen a couple of inches simmering to her amazement. She says that she was surprised to see something quickly falling off as never before – a huge surprise.

Understanding the Body Weight Loss and Transformation

Kristen’s experience was unexplainable. She burnt the fat beneath her body like crazy as well as adding muscles as a complementary advantage. Though her weight had not fluctuated as much, but that fatty weight percentage had dropped and muscle definition had become apparent. After three months, she had obtained a six pack.

The effect so far is that Kristen had only dropped nine pounds but had lost a 15 inch thickness of fat, that is, decrease of body fat percentage from 25% to 19%. Her next target is 16%. She says that she is now in her best shape ever, with more energy, better sleep and more self-confident. In addition she sleeps better and has a better mood.

Kristen is recommending those who want to transform the bodies to this style of transforming. She advises women who are afraid of lifting weights because of bulking up that that myth simply will not happen. She says, one may not go anywhere unless they are lifting something. If anyone need to change his/her own body, they need to lift something heavy.

Kristen currently does and loves to do dead lift and Bulgarian split squats. Though she does not love Bulgarian split squats (her least favorite exercise), she agrees that it works effectively with her butt building.