You’re nearing the end of your week. You’ve kept up with your diet, kept up with your workouts, but it’s getting harder. Your muscles are aching, your mind is telling you that you’ve done enough today, quietly whispering in your ear “11 reps is fine.” It’s time to find your motivation again.

You’re reason for going to the gym should be your own. Whether you just want to be healthier, want to be stronger, or even just want to look better at the beach, you have to realize that nothing comes easy. Every step you are taking, every impossible step, is getting you one step closer to being exactly where you want to be. But every time you skip a set, cut your reps, skip a day, you are only cheating your future self.

Motivation can be hard to come by after a while, so a little reminder of why you do what you do is always helpful. Do not be afraid to try and fail, because through that fear, through that failure, you will grow. It is much better to have tried and failed then to always be wondering “what if?”

“Behind every fear is the person you want to be.”

Watch this video and get back to your grind!