Everyone wants a shredded midsection! A chiseled set of abs is one of the most coveted areas in the fitness industry. What else screams to others that you work out HARD more so then a gloriously sculpted midsection?

Whether you want to look your best on holiday or you have a competition to look your best for, follow the moves below and you will get that strong carved-up core you have always dreamed of!

The mistake people make when they train their mid-section is to only perform moves that focus on the upper abs because these are easiest to target.

Moves for a shredded midsection

For a shredded midsection you will need to focus on your upper abs, lower abs and your oblique’s.

The following workout can be completed in one session so take note of the rep ranges and rest periods to get the most out of your workouts.

Moves for your oblique’s

Dumbbell side bends

Sets: 5

Reps: 12-15  per side

Rest: 30 seconds

Dumbbell side bends are an excellent move to really target your oblique’s and work them hard. Holding a dumbbell as opposed to a weight plate will allow you to achieve a bigger stretch. Standing up straight hold a dumbbell in one of your hands and bend to the side sliding the dumbbell down your leg. Keep your other hand straight against your side. In a controlled motion bring it back up again to the starting position. After ten reps swap sides.

Russian Plate Twists

Sets: 4

Reps: 20 (10 per side)

Rest: 30 seconds

Russian plate twists are a great move to target the entire oblique area as well as the central core. Using a plate will add more resistance and allow you to achieve a greater stretch. Sitting on the floor with your knees up, hold the plate in the center of your torso. Raise your feet off the floor and in a controlled motion tap the plate from side to side ensuring it touches the floor while keeping your body still.

Moves for your lower abs

Toe Touches

Sets: 4

Reps: 24 (12 each side)

Rest: 30 seconds

Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you and your hands holding on to the sides for support. Bring your legs up as far as possible while at the same time bringing your torso towards them. Return to the start position and repeat the movement until you have completed your set – don’t forget to touch your toes!

Leg raises

Sets: 5

Reps: 10

Rest: 1 min

Leg raises are highly effective for targeting your lower abs. Ideally, you will have a flat bench to lie on but if not the floor will do. So, start by lying flat on the bench (or floor) and hold tight onto each side. Extend your legs straight out in front of you and raise them up keeping them as straight as you can. Lower them in a controlled motion and don’t allow them to relax at the bottom or top, keep the tension on at all times.

Moves for your upper abs

Weighted Plate Crunch

Sets: 4

Reps: 12

Rest: 30 seconds

It’s good to go heavy on a weighted crunch to build some thickness in the muscle. A weighted crunch is much the same as a usual crunch; you adopt the same stance on the floor with your feet flat and your back flat. Holding a weight plate on your chest breathe out and crunch upwards to the point of tension –return back to the starting point still controlled. Never release tension on any ab movement so no relaxing at the top or bottom of the movement.

Heel touches

Sets: 4

Reps: 24 (12 each side)

Rest: 30 seconds

This one might feel like a little bit of relaxation at the end of this tough abs session – but think again! Yes you can lay down on the floor but your abs will burn like hellfire. Lying flat, also place your feet flat on the floor (with your knees up) but a little bit wider than shoulder width apart. Tense your abs, extend your arm towards your foot, lift up slightly and touch your heel then immediately touch the other one. This move should be nice and fast with no relaxing in-between the alternating reps.

And rest! Ensuring you are hitting all areas of your core will ensure you have a well-defined, chiseled and sculpted midsection. Leave nothing to chance and when you are training your abs once or twice a week ensure you are hitting them from the top, the bottom and the sides for a full on abs assault!