The real enemy is the fat from the abdominal cavity, also known as belly fat. Not only it is bad looking and is very difficult to lose, but is also can cause health issues.

Being overweight does not necessarily mean that you are unhealthy. There are many people that are overweight but are still healthy and also, there are many skinny people with metabolic issues. So, let’s check some exercises that were designed just for that belly fat.

1. Plank with Knee to Elbow

These planks are challenging but they work the core, stomach, and back. To be sure you keep a proper form, you’ll have to use all the muscles in your core.

In order for this to work, you need to perform 3 sets of 24 reps (12 on each side).

2. Plank Hip Twist

Plank hip twists is recommended for the obliques and the transverse abdominal muscles. With this exercise you will also receive some upper body action because the arms and shoulders need to work in order to keep you steady.

The best way to do this training type is to focus on keeping the proper plank position. If you will raise your hips too far up into the air, or let them sag too much, you will lose focus from the abs and most importantly, if you’re bending too much from side to side, your abs won’t be properly engaged.

In order for this to work, you need to perform 3 sets of 40 reps (20 each side).

However, if you are a woman and your waist size is bigger than 35 inches, you should consider a diet. For men, the diet should be considered for a waist that is bigger than 40 inches.

3.  Scissor Kicks

Start by lying down with the arms propped up on the elbows behind you. After that, raise both your legs a few inches above the floor, and draw your right leg as close to your chest as you can. Start to decrease your right leg position while and raise your left leg in the same time to shift sides. Be sure you will not to let your heels reach the ground till the end.

In order for this to work, you need to perform 30 reps, 15 on each leg.

4. Leg Lifts

The funny thing about this exercise is that it appears to be simple, but they are not. The first few reps won’t appear hard, but soon after your abs will begin to burn by the end of the set.

Leg lifts target the lower abs. However, you might also feel your thighs working. This will happen when you will keep your legs aligned out together.

In order for this to work, you need to perform 3 sets of 20 reps.

5.  Wood Chopper

This is one of the most powerful workouts for tightening the core. Any training that demands shifting or rotating your torso from side to side sculptures the obliques. They are excellent for stretching your sides, toning abs, and enhancing your core’s endurance.

In order for this to work, you need to perform 3 sets of 40 reps (20 each side).