Till recent years, scientists talked about how some foods are only bad for you if you want to live healthily and have a toned body. However, recent discoveries showed that some bad foods are actually good for you, so in this article, we will talk about 7 food types that can actually be in your advantage to ingest.

1. Potatoes

A study made at Harvard on a large scale talked about how potato consumption is directly linked to extra pounds. They accused the potatoes of being responsible for a rise in blood sugar.

However, there are lots of different foods that produce comparable or higher increases in blood sugar.

The problem here is that most of the subjects were eating potato chips and French fries so it is no wonder that potatoes were connected so highly with obesity rates.

But other studies have failed to find any relationship between potatoes and weight gain.

The potato is actually a good type of food if eaten you boiled or baked. It contains carotenoids and flavonoids, and also vitamins. So you should not take them out of your menu list.

2. Trans Fats

Trans fats are a new thing when it comes to nutrition. Till recent years, not many people knew what these are. But know everyone knows them as being really bad guys that stick to your arteries.

These unsaturated fats are somewhat different in nature but they’re a frequent byproduct of industrially manufactured foods. They’re feared because they are a dual menace to heart health and the bad cholesterol.

But what isn’t ordinarily understood is that there are trans fats that are actually beneficial for your heart, in addition to having fat-burning and cancer-fighting characteristics. A group of healthful trans fats is known to be linoleic acid or CLA.

CLA is found in large quantities in grass-fed meat and dairy goods, but it’s also presented in our bodies in small quantities.

Numerous investigations showed that CLA to actually decrease the risk of heart disease, in addition to limiting or improving type II diabetes and even decreasing the increase and metastatic extent of tumors.

Also, there are studies that imply that CLA can decrease body fat and even improve lean body mass.

3.  Fried Foods

Most people when they hear of fried foods say they are bad for your health. But how come people who live on farms live a long life while still eating fried eggs with bacon?

Nobody is implying that cooking in oil will not add some calories. However, there are a lot of fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K, along with beta-carotene, lycopene, and lutein that require fat in order to be assimilated by the body.

This doesn’t mean that you should start to deep-fry all your food. There are some rules that you need to abide.

For instance, only work with oils that have a high smoke point. This is the temperature at which the oil begins smoking.

Overheating oils alters the chemical structure of the oil making it not be so healthy. This means that you should use oils such as olive avocado, peanut, walnut, or sesame oil for high-temp frying.

Now there’s been some debate as to whether using high heat can turn cooking oil into a bad type of trans fat, but even if that actually occurs, it’s more likely to happen if you reuse your oil.

4. Ketchup

 A few years back, the US government proclaimed ketchup to be considered a vegetable and therefore to be consumed in schools. This was not seen with good eyes by nutritionist

Despite the efforts to make it a health food, general opinion quickly expelled ketchup back to the junk food status.

However, ketchup has also some good parts, if it is not made with the addition of sugar.

The phytochemical lycopene is an antioxidant that’s nearly 100 times more efficacious than Vitamin E and it’s found in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables.

Sadly, lycopene isn’t very well assimilated except when it’s heated, which is why processed tomato goods such as ketchup are some of the highest,  sources of lycopene.

Lycopene is involved in decreasing the frequency of stroke, diabetes,  heart disease, male infertility, osteoporosis, and prostate cancer. If you want a good ketchup you need to buy one made with tomatoes, vinegar, salt, and spices.

5. White Rice

Everybody knows how good is brown rice for health. You hear how it is full of protein and fiber that will make your poop strong and proud. You also hear how brown rice doesn’t increase blood sugar as much as white rice.

Nobody says that all these are not true. However, there are some other aspects. Yes, brown rice has protein, but it’s a small amount. Also, brown rice does indeed have fiber, but again, a small amount.

The real issue regarding the brown rice is the existence of phytic acid, a composite found in the rice bran that gives brown rice its appearance.

Phytic acid, grabs on to or chelates minerals, in extension to restraining enzymes we are needed to digest food. This results in transforming many of the coveted nutrients mostly unavailable for absorption.

This is why white rice, despite years of propaganda, is frequently a superior food, particularly for athletes.

White rice is enriched with vitamins and isn’t connected with food allergies, bloating, or any other digestive issues,

6. Bacon

Bacon is one of the most criticized foods of all time.

However, now that you know a little more about saturated fat let’s also check bacon.

When you study the nutrients really relevant to human health, foods like organ meats are placed very high, with some herbs and spices but also nuts and seeds.

However, not many people like to eat organ meats, and eating a number of herbs and spices sufficient to provide the needed nutrients would mean to eat flakes of parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme all day.

But did you know that high on the nutrient list is pork, especially bacon?

It turns out that the bacon comprises principally healthful saturated fat and monosaturated fat, consisting mostly of oleic acid, the type located in olive oil.

The only caution is that you should look for bacon from pastured pigs that ate traditional piggy meals instead of industrial trash.

7. Beer

Beer is usually seen as the simple, unfancy beverage. People talk about how healthy wine is in comparison to beer.

Certainly, wine includes polyphenols that are supposedly heart-protective, but so does beer. The only discrepancy is that beer’s polyphenols come from grain and hops rather than grapes.

Wine is also supposed to decrease the frequency of blood coagulation, but it’s presumably because the alcohol that does that.

As far as unique nutrients, beer has more B5, B12, niacin,  folate, selenium, and silicon, while wine has more iron, calcium,  potassium, magnesium,  zinc, and manganese. Beer is lower in calories, but that’s mostly because wine has more alcohol.