1. Absence of a training logbook

There is need to get a logbook If an individual lack one. Reason being;

For instance, the past Monday they trained chest. So they did 275 for 9 reps on bench press. The next session for bench press is here, and, therefore, the logbook will be a handy tool for reference to remind an individual about the target to be beaten.

The logbook will inform one,

That, these are your previous training session’s numbers. Today go a notch higher than the previous session.

Now that is the basis around a logbook and that is what it will inform an individual every time they open it up. It will tell an individual how far they performed last time out, and how much they are needed to perform during the next session.

A logbook will tell an individual if they did better or if they are still stuck in progress.

It is important for growth, as it keeps record and accounts for an individual’s performance. It is a constant reminder that, to get better, then there is need to train harder and surpass previous performances.

Opening up the logbook and seeing the numbers in it is the most satisfying and dissatisfying thing at the same time. Disfigured numbers mean that the training session consumed all your energy and jotting down the numbers was a struggle which is a good sign. Also, jotting down bigger numbers than the last time out is satisfying.

If the numbers in the logbook, six months down the line, do not look and get bigger, then that will have an indication on an individual’s stagnated look.

2. Training ADD

The mistake individuals make and which is not productive is to study and try to copy the training of highly built individuals and come to the conclusion that these individuals’ current training style is solely responsible for how built they are.

Any individual who has developed a physique or certain level of strength that can be admired, went through a gradual process that molded their training into what it is currently. To be successful, pick up some basic principles that will carve into the brain about how growth is going to be achieved.

An individual need to pick up a certain weight, and do reps with it. Next time, do more reps than the previous time. Conduct this with a handful basic movements and for an elongated period of time and results will be inevitable.

For instance, one should pick a weight that they can do 8 reps with. Each time out, they should try to do more than 8 reps with it. When they get to 12 reps with that particular weight, then they should increase the weight.

That is basically what is supposed to be done while starting this training process. Do not worry about switching out a few things here and there, as this will occur gradually. Focus on the following during training:

  • Squat
  • Deficit stiff-legged deadlift
  • Supinated-grip pulldown
  • T-bar and Barbell row
  • Incline dumbbell press
  • Bench press
  • Overhead press (dumbbell and barbell)

Throw in the usual mix of triceps work, curls, chins, dips, and others while staying with overload that is progressive on those movements. Going from an 80-pound dumbbell for 8 reps on the incline bench to 100-pound dumbbell for 12 reps would definitely get an individual bigger. The back would grow bigger with a transition from 245 x 8 on the barbell row to 315 x 8.

That is the secret, and it should be for a decade or longer. It is difficult nowadays to find an individual who can adhere to this set program for a period of two weeks.

To transform into a beast, then there is no magic. One really need to attempt the tried and true principles of muscle growth and select a few and appropriate techniques that they will focus on for the next decade. No shortcut.

3. Sticking to exercise that is not productive

Select movements and practice movements that feel natural and that one really enjoys doing. Practice with this for a long period of time.

The fact that they are natural, and that one enjoys doing them, progress and gaining that is consistent is inevitable.

This is in response to individuals that keep on asking “Can I do this? Should I do that?” every now and then.

These are questions that cannot be answered. The best way of finding out is by trying out and by the end of the day one will find out what to focus on during training.

An individual doesn’t have to ask for permission for them to carry out a certain training task. Below are two questions to ask oneself that will help in decision making:

  1. Is there a high possibility of the exercise experiencing progressive overload?
  2. Do I enjoy it?

Do not put much weight on opinions of individuals on the internet proclaiming on what should be and should not be done and just by looking at them one cannot tell whether they have stepped foot into the weight room.

Stop doing exercises that you hate and is unproductive. Instead, have the two questions above answered and you will have the best training package that will yield results.

4. Stop focusing on insignificant exercises

In this time and era, there is more information on training that seems to have more starter individuals confused on how to grow large and get strong.

Most of this information is packaged in a matter that is not easy to comprehend, visualize, and understand. Without a video, in most cases, one can hardly understand what is being talked about and how to do it.

Movement execution is important, but it does not need to be so complicated.

To know whether an individual’s execution is excellent, here is a simple way to tell:

  1. Feeling the muscle you are working out when performing a movement
  2. Getting a strong peak contraction
  3. Kicking the movement to commence with the muscle that is targeted

If all the above are done right, then you are doing exemplary. But if the muscle contraction cannot be felt then probably:

  • An individual is going too heavy in sustaining a mind/muscle connection
  • One is excessively dominant in another muscle group that is being involved in that particular movement
  • The target muscle is not initiating the movement

To get this right, make the load lighter or pick a different exercise.

5. Poor understanding of brutally hard training

Research does not take into account subjects who are advanced enough in their training to make training to failure work effectively.

Training brutally hard naturally limits volume while eliminating junk volume at the same time. It is beneficial as it enhances time efficiency and confers metabolic benefits that junk volume cannot give.

Every study on brutally hard training does not take into account advanced weight lifters as most of them tend to select lifters of 1-2 years’ experience.

Some training programs downplayed by studies produce muscles in heaps. For instance, doggcrapp training, has proven to be effective in mass muscle and strength gain.

Doggcrapp is a brutally hard training technique that involves a few rest/pause sets, while pushing the rep and loading numbers for each and every workout.

It is clear from advanced weight lifters that the true working sets for certain muscle groups during a specified period is way beyond that which some studies and scholarly trainers suggest.

Therefore, for beginners, there is the need to cultivate the ability of making extra effort each time you go into the gym beyond that aforementioned in studies.

6. Too much hype for social media

It is quite usual nowadays to find a group of individuals with a camera in the gym to take a video or picture so as to make a post on social media. Most of the time they do shitty exercises.

Their followers on social media, see the post and try to imitate what their ‘idols’ are doing.

A few years back, heavy lifters could participate in high level competitions for an elongated period of time mainly because they went smart on their joints by focusing on rep sets and reduced bar load.

That has quite changed nowadays as most individuals fall victims of injuries after a short spell of dominance in strength sports.

Safe for those individuals with a massive following trying to make a living. But for the individual trying to seek attention on social media, that is the reason behind your stagnated growth.

Biggest muscle growth is characterized by eating. The gradual accumulation of muscle protein is a slow and devastating process.

For individuals in 40s, it is probably not a feasible option, but instead, it is advisable for young individuals probably in their teens or twenties as this is the right window for accelerated muscle growth.

Social media should not dictate one’s desires and goals towards muscle gain. It should be from deep within.

7. Addition of gloss on what is most important

For an individual to get better:

Break the rep rules, eat extra ordinarily, have sufficient sleep. When it comes to training and eating get out of the comfort zone.

Identify and stick to specified training programs that have a high degree of progression and get brutally strong on them rather than hopping from one training program to another.

What other people are doing should be the least of your worries. Instead, train hard, eat adequate, and have sufficient sleep.

Some motivation for doubting and discouraged trainees, it is just a matter of always adding weight to the bar and adding another repetition. And of course being disciplined to your routine.

That’s it….