Personal trainer Josh Hopkins gives us the inside scoop on what keeps him motivated, and how he stays shredded.
-When did you start REALLY working out?
I started working out around 15 years old.
-What was/is your motivation for being fit?
I just wanna look good naked. I wanna be as healthy as I can be for my future family.
-What are your fitness goals?
I just wanna be comfortable in my own skin. I don’t have a specific weight or bf %. I’m at 5’9 190lbs right now.
-What is the hardest part about staying disciplined with your workout routine?
Making it to the gym is the hardest part these days. I’m training clients all day and last place I wanna be is the gym so sometimes it gets difficult.
-Favorite lifts?
Pull ups.
-Least favorite lifts?
-What does a normal week at the gym look like for you?
I usually hit one body part a day, so usually it’s like below:
Sat- make-up
-What does a normal days diet look like for you?
I have a company called icon-meals that does all my meals for me. I have no time to count calories. I try to eat 5 good clean meals a day.
-Any inspiration you’d like to share with our readers
My only inspiration is all my followers. Those people don’t realize how much of an impact they have on me as I have on them. They will never realize the impact they have made on my life.