High-Intensity Interval Training has quickly become one of the most popular forms of fat burning and weight loss among the fitness community, but how do you get the most out of it? High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is exactly what it sounds like: interval workouts that switch from high intensity to low to high and so on for a number of sets or rounds. HIIT can be used during your weight training, bodyweight training, while jumping rope, or just plain cardio. The key to these HIIT workouts is to push yourself as hard as you can during the ‘on’, increasing your heart rate to about 95% of your max heart rate, and staying active while resting during the ‘off’, lowering your heart rate to around 65-70%.

There are many different ways to go about this, but keeping a constant on to off ratio is always a must. Whether you are running 1 minute on 1 minute off (1:1), or a 15 second sprint to a 1 minute jog (1:4), the important thing is to push as hard as possible during your ‘on’ periods, raising that heart rate and keeping a constant ratio throughout all of your rounds. For starters, it is better to do less rounds, obviously. Start with 5-6 sets of intervals and slowly work your way up.

Here’s a basic Weekly HIIT Routine perfect for burning fat:

HIIT Workout

Monday – Full-body weight training
Tuesday – HIIT workout: 30 sec. active rest, 30 sec. work/sprint (8 total rounds suggested)
Wednesday – Full-body weight training

Thursday – HIIT workout: 30 sec. active rest, 30 sec. work/sprint (8 total rounds suggested)
Friday – Full-body weight training
Saturday and Sunday – Rest

If you are looking to gain muscle while taking advantage of the benefits that come with HIIT, trade out your “Full-body” days for upper-body on Monday’s and lower-body on Tuesdays, with your HIIT every 3rd day.

HIIT can also be used as a supplement to the workout plan you already have in place. Next time when you go to do your cardio, try interval training instead.