I don’t know about you, but I love myself a good, juicy steak. But it’s hard to find a healthy way to prepare it without taking away all the delicious flavor.

You can find a few different recipes online that accomplish this goal, but my favorite has been the Southwestern Pepper Steak. With this recipe you can have a full meal (or 4) while maintaining your healthy eating habits.

Here’s how it’s done:

Southwestern Pepper Steak
340 calories
39g protien
15g fat
12g carbs

-1 lb. Flank steak cut into 1/2 inch slices
-1 serving of taco seasoning
-1 sliced onion and assorted peppers
-1 package frozen stir-fry
-14.5oz can undrained Mexican tomatoes

1. Season your steak slices with the taco seasoning of your choice
2. Add your seasoned steak and stir-fry to a skillet cooking on medium heat until browned
3. Remove your steak from the skillet
4. Add peppers and onions to the skillet with your stir-fry until peppers and onions are tender
5. Add tomatoes and bring the skillet to a boil for two minutes, stir well
6. Return meat to skillet and cook until thoroughly heated
7. Enjoy your delicious meal!