Anita Herbert is a 29 year old professional fitness and bikini athlete. She has won a number of competitions and awards over the past three years (when she started her career in fitness) and in 2017 received her Pro Card after entering the IFBB Arnold Amateur North America and placing 2nd!
Before all of this, however, Anita was a normal kid, never really going into the gym while in her teens. She even admits that, during her college years, she was a bit of a partier; drinking and eating junk food on a regular basis, but obviously that is all long in the past. Check out how she made the change and maintains that fit physique.
Weekly Routine
Monday: Glutes
-Smith Machine Squats 4 x 15
-Leg Press 4 x 12
-Kettle Bell Sumo Squats 4 x 12
-Smith Machine Hip Thrusts 4 x12
Tuesday: Hamstrings/Calves
-Lying Leg Curls 4 x 12
-Standing Leg Curls 4 x 15
-Deadlifts 4 x 12
-Hip Abductor 4 x 20
-Standing Calve Raises 5 x 20
Wednesday: Shoulders
-Lateral Raises 4 x 10
-Shoulder Press 4 x 15
-Front Cable Raises 4 x 12
-Rear Delt Fly’s 4 x 15
Thursday: Back
-Pull Ups 4 x 10
-Wide Grip Pulldowns 3 x 12
-Close Grip Pulldowns 3 x 12
-Seated Cable Row 4 x 15
-Back Extensions 4 x 20
Friday: Arms
-Overhead Cable Extensions 4 x 15
-Skull Crushers 4 x 12
-Cable Kickbacks 4 x 12
-Dumbbell Curls 4 x 15
-Cable Curls 4 x 15
Saturday: Chest/Abs
-Dumbbell Fly’s 4 x 15
-Push Ups 4 x 20
-Hanging Leg Raises 4 x 20
-Crunches 4 x 20
-Planks 4 x 1 min
Sunday: Rest
While in the offseason, Anita stays consistent about her calorie count but admits she does not stick to one diet. However, while in preparation for competitions, she sticks to a very strict, six meal a day diet:
Daily Meals
Meal 1: ½ cup Oats, 4 Egg Whites and ½ cup Berries
Meal 2: 4 ounces Chicken, ½ cup Sweet Potatoes and 1 cup Asparagus
Meal 3: 1 scoop Protein, ½ Banana and 1 tablespoon Peanut Butter
Meal 4: 4 ounces Turkey, ½ cup Quinoa and 1 cup Vegetables
Meal 5: 3 ounces Salmon and 1 small Salad
Meal 6: 1 scoop Casein