Want to be featured on @MealPrepRecipes Instagram?

Now is your chance for ultimate foodie stardom!

Submit your best recipes and photos for a chance to be featured on MealPrepRecipes Instagram with 1.5 MILLION fans!

Submit a Recipe

Enter your recipe details below. Approved recipes will get posted to our site with your Instagram feed and a link to follow you. Once a day, the best recipe will be chosen for MealPrepRecipe’s Meal of the Day!” #MealPrepRecipesROTD
    • Be creative!
    • For credit when we post you. DO NOT Include the "@"
  • We'll notify you about your recipe!
    • For credit when we post you. DO NOT Include the "@"
    • Recipe category
    • Upload your best photo of the dish
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: mov, mp4, m4v.
    Video (Optional) .mov, .mp4, m4v only
    • List each ingredient, one per line. Use the bullet list "" button on the whole list when you've finished writing each ingredient.
    • List each step in the recipe, one per line. Use the number list "" button on the whole list when you've finished writing each step.
    • Macros:

      If you don't know the macros of your dish, you can find them using our handy Nutrition Calculator! (Opens in new tab)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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