A lot of hype currently surrounds the HIIT training technique. As a matter of fact, only the old people from the ice age lack the knowledge of what HIIT is and what it entails.

So, what has made the HIIT cardio technique an overnight sensation? Its short and super intense streak is what makes HIIT the new black.

An interview with Abigail Stacey, a psychologist, confirms all this.

HIIT by definition

What is HIIT in the first place? For the record, HIIT is a workout technique that compels you to give your absolute best. You, from the get-go, engage in a quick and intense burst of exercise that is then followed by short periods of rest.

This technique, when done correctly, increases your heart rate thus burning the fat in your body.

Duration of working out

HIIT requires a lot of effort given that it pushes your body to the limit. Anyway, it should not last long. Experts recommend that you practice for no more than 30 minutes as overexposure can lead to physical injury.

Performed virtually in any space, HIIT is good for your cardio. A 2:1 or 3:1 Workout approach can help you reach your goal fast. 

Better still, you do not have to get into an absolute state of rest. Active resting is thereby recommended.

How you profit from HIIT training

What do you gain from HIIT training? Below are your answers.

1. HIIT training yields a full-body workout

HIIT training involves a number of approaches that are meant to take your body to its absolute limit. These techniques once initiated hit all your muscle groups like a missile. 

It is for this reason that you realize excellent feedback at the end of the day. Exercises like sprints, burpees, jumping lunges, mountain climbers, and squat jumps certainly get the job done.

2. The metabolism hype

As Abigail explains it, the HIIT training ends fast but its effects are felt for ages. Recall, the technique raises the thermogenic effect in the body causes it to burn calories throughout the day.

That settled, HIIT training is better done in the morning.

3. It’s highly convenient

HIIT training does not require any equipment to fulfill. More so, training only takes thirty minutes or less to complete.

4. Fast-paced results

HIIT, when combined with other workout techniques, is a goldmine. Studies show that the approach can improve your physical performance because it stimulates aerobic and anaerobic responses in your body.

Is HIIT, therefore, suitable for novices?

Studies suggest that HIIT is not that good for beginners especially if there are injuries and heart-related complications to worry about. However, individuals that are full of life and health are encouraged to hit the HIIT workout routine.


HIIT is no walk in the park. Regardless, it is an approach that profits you beyond your wildest imagination if performed as it should be. To be effective, you need to keep your workouts fresh by mixing up different movements.